Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Saying Goodbye!

It really sucks that my first post in a long time is gonna be a sad one. But here it is!

Miss Puddy is really sick. And tomorrow I am taking her to be put to sleep. After 11 years of friendship...tonight is my last night with her. After tomorrow, I will never again be able to look into her beautiful blue eyes. Never be able to run my finger through her beautiful fur. Never hear her meow for a piece of chicken. Never fuss at her for beating up the boys. Never be mad at her again for crapping on the floor. Never watch her sleep in her little bed with her head on her pillow. I'll never trip over her when getting out of the shower again. Never get to see her stretch out in the sun. Never laugh at the sassy way she crosses her paws when she lounges around. I'll never get to play with her tummy fat and make her mad.

And I'll never get to experience these things...because I'm gonna end her life. I've spend the whole day thinking about it. I've been in denial for months. But today I couldn't ignore it anymore. I came home to check on her at lunch time. And she was still laying on the bathroom rug where she was napping when i left this morning. She didn't even pick up her head to look at me. When I tried to pick her up she cried out in pain. It hurt her for me to hold her. I put her back down and her legs were so weak that she just rolled onto her side. That was when I knew what had to be done.

Sure they could give her another shot of steroids. That would make her feel better for a week or two. But then she would just get worse again. And as hard as it put her to sleep...I think it would be even harder to wait. So I've decided not to treat her anymore, and just let her go. It kills me to see her this way. And I know that cats hide their if she is showing that she is in pain long has she been hurting and not showing it?

Tonight I saw a look in her eyes that I recognized. It was that look of pain that I saw in my Granny's eyes right before she died. I will never forget that look. I can't imagine the level of pain that one must feel, to have that look in their eyes. I don't want her to hurt anymore.

Well, I'm gonna go hold my best friend for one last night. Tomorrow I plan on taking her to the vet to get one last shot to make her feel better. But this time she will feel better forever. I'm gonna hold her so that she knows how much I love her. And when she is gone, I will take her to be cremated. That is my plan. Looks good on paper. Lets just hope it goes that smoothly!


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